Saturday, November 24, 2012

After two years..!!!

Was just checking out the blog & realized that I haven't posted anything for more than a year since & the last post is exactly a year old,,,posted by Sepo on my birthday,,,,,,,oh yeah,,,,its my birthday today,,,,second birthday when i'm alone at this time (two years back,,i was in train alone,,practically alone with no one in my compartment,,that was my first birthday alone),,,of course there are still 15 minutes to go & my cell will start ringing anytime,,,touchwood,,I'm blessed with wonderful people around me,,friends & family,,whom I'm missing like anything. Anyways that's life,,,and that's what i choose.

getting back to us now,,well we got to meet week back when Sepo, Eko & me,,all three of us were in Jammu for Diwali,,finally after TWO long years,,we were together,,,can't tell you how much we longed for that day.

Once again Sepo is in mumbai,,,Eko in Delhi & me now in Meerut,,,,more than one year in our jobs,,well settled,,,or may be a little settled,,,got what we wanted,,happy with it but can't tell you how much we miss each other.

Meeting after that long was an all together a different experience of life,,,I haven't ever waited that long to see somebody.

As evident from the photo,,Sepo & I've gained some weight,,touchwood to that,,,well its something hard to believe for many :P

And ofcourse,,when the trio is back,,,something will happen & we planned a reunion.

well,,,hmmmm,,,,time just flies away & soon we had to leave,,,again back to our places,,missing each other.

No matter what,,we were ,,we are & we will be best friends ever,,guys to are one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

well its 0000 hrs & phone has started ringing.

with the hope to see u guys soon,,I'm gonna take off now.

With loads & loads of love