Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My dearest Sepo :)

(This was written by me when Sepo wasn't here but i couldn't publish it due to certain problem)

My dearest Sepo,

I hope you must be enjoying there, exploring new places, meeting different & of course shopping too but yaar here I’m missing you teribbly, I don’t remember if I’ve missed you this much before. I desperately need to talk to you. This countdown seems to be never ending but I just hope you are coming back soon.

I’ve loads have things to tell you, as lot has happened since you left. Firstly Eko & I collected our marksheet & provisional certificate, soon we’ll get our library security back,,,so when you’ll come we’ll have a grand party for you with that money ;)

Secondly, Geetanjali was here so Eko & I organised BLOGGERS’ MEET. We met Ridz & Rahil too for the first time. It was so much fun but it would have been even more fun if you would have baan here. Both of us were not able to have more than one slice of pizza & at that time we missed you even more ;)

And lastly, well this is the most important thing, Eko just got placed in IBM,,,she’s going to be an IBMer soon, details about it would be posted by Eko(I just hope she does that). So one more big grand treat is waiyting for you :)

Hey girl, be back soon I’m missing you so much & I’m so teary now, it seems like an eternity , I don’t have words to express how much I’m missing you. Oh god, how ever I’m going to live without you & now Eko will be away too. How I’ll manage without you guys. I always considered myself to be the luckiest person in this world to have friends like you but seems its not like that because I would have to face a really hard time when I would have to leave you guys, things are going to be really hard for me now. If only you would have been a little less than the best, letting you guys go away from me wouldn’t have been so difficult, oh god, tears already rolling down my cheeks.

Anyways, that how life goes on and moreover we are going to be best friends always.

With loads and loads of love


P.S. I miss you so much and I love you so much